A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Cells is a Idle game where you just watch cells eat, grow and advance..

other stuff:

Formal things:

the game is based in GMS engine. all the containing work is owned by creator (ME). color interpolating between pixels is off, copyright/arrangement text is made by YoYo games and is included in its built in installer. all the art used is also owned by me.


simulation is still in very early stages and any of the bugs should be reported and not taken too seriously. AI is based around simple directional variables for example:

/// this is the simplest possible way for making smart objects

<span class="redactor-invisible-space">global.fx = instance_nearest(x, y, obj_food).x;
global.fy = instance_nearest(x, y, obj_food).y;
speed = 3
direction = point_direction(x, y, global.fx, global.fy);


only kind of interface the game actually has, is exit confirmation menu. as few hints on how to control the game. menu is made by simple object actions checking for clicks.


Cells... (alpha 0.1) 2.7 MB
Cells... (alpha 0.7) 2.4 MB

Install instructions

How to Install:

1. Download the file

2. Start the GMS auto installer

3. Install

4. start the game (shortcut should be on start menu or desktop)

5. enjoy!


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